(>::) [Webtest.Suite] |
Convenience function to create a suite from a label and a
(>:::) [Webtest.Suite] |
Convenience function to create a suite from a label and a list of
(>:~) [Webtest.Suite] |
Convenience function to create a suite from a label and an
A | |
assert_equal [Webtest.Suite] | |
assert_raises [Webtest.Suite] | |
assert_raises_string [Webtest.Suite] | assert_raises_string str task returns unit if task () raises an
exception e for which Printexc.to_string e = str , and otherwise
raises TestFailure.
assert_true [Webtest.Suite] | |
B | |
bracket [Webtest.Suite.Async] | bracket setup test teardown generates a test_fun
which will use setup to create state needed for the test, then pass
that state to test , and finally will pass that state to teardown .
bracket [Webtest.Suite.Sync] | bracket setup test teardown generates a test_fun
which will use setup to create state needed for the test, then pass
that state to test , and finally will pass that state to teardown .
G | |
get_labels [Webtest.Zipper] |
Get the list of labels from all crumbs plus that of the current
location, starting at the root of the tree.
M | |
move_down [Webtest.Zipper] |
Attempt to move down to the first child node.
move_right [Webtest.Zipper] |
Attempt to move right to the next sibling.
move_up [Webtest.Zipper] |
Attempt to move up to the parent node.
N | |
next_location [Webtest.Zipper] |
Attempt to move to the next location while traversing the tree.
noop [Webtest.Suite.Async] |
The noop callback - this is just an alias for
fun () -> () .
O | |
of_suite [Webtest.Zipper] | |
of_sync [Webtest.Suite.Async] |
Convert a synchronous test into an asynchronous test.
R | |
run [Webtest_js.Runner] | run suite runs tests and displays results on stdout
run [Webtest.Utils] | run suite callback runs suite , passes the output to callback .
run_one [Webtest.Suite.Async] |
Run an asynchronous test and pass its result to a callback.
S | |
setup [Webtest_js.Runner] | setup test sets up a test runner and attaches it to the document's onLoad
string_of_result [Webtest.Suite] | |
summarise [Webtest.Utils] | summarise outcomes converts a list of test outcomes into a summary.
summarise_raw [Webtest.Utils] | summarise outcomes converts a list of test outcomes into a raw
summary_of_raw [Webtest.Utils] | summary_of_raw creates a basic summary from a raw summary.
T | |
to_suite [Webtest.Zipper] |