Module Webtest.Suite.Async

module Async: sig .. end

type callback = unit -> unit 
The type of an asynchronous callback which will run as part of an asynchronous test.
val noop : callback
The noop callback - this is just an alias for fun () -> ().
type wrapper = callback -> unit 
A wrapper function to be passed to an asynchronous test.
type test_fun = wrapper -> unit 
An asynchronous test function. When run it will be passed a wrapper function - this should be used to wrap any asynchronous code which the test case is expected to run.
val bracket : (unit -> 'a) ->
('a -> wrapper -> unit) ->
('a -> unit) -> test_fun
bracket setup test teardown generates a test_fun which will use setup to create state needed for the test, then pass that state to test, and finally will pass that state to teardown.
val run_one : string ->
test_fun ->
(string -> unit) -> (Webtest.Suite.outcome -> unit) -> unit
Run an asynchronous test and pass its result to a callback.
val of_sync : Webtest.Suite.Sync.test_fun -> test_fun
Convert a synchronous test into an asynchronous test.