(>>=) [Irc_transport.IO] | |
C | |
close_socket [Irc_transport.IO] | |
connect [Irc_client.CLIENT] |
Connect to an IRC server at address
addr .
connect_by_name [Irc_client.CLIENT] |
Try to resolve the
server name using DNS, otherwise behaves like
Irc_client.CLIENT.connect .
D | |
default_keepalive [Irc_client.CLIENT] |
Default value for keepalive: active mode with auto-reconnect
E | |
extract_prefix [Irc_message] |
Exposed for testing - not intended for use.
extract_trail [Irc_message] |
Exposed for testing - not intended for use.
G | |
gethostbyname [Irc_transport.IO] |
List of IPs that correspond to the given hostname (or an empty
list if none is found)
H | |
handle_input [Irc_helpers] |
Given a
buffer and a string input , append the input to the buffer,
return all whole lines present in the buffer, and reinitialise the buffer to
contain only the substring which follows all the whole lines.
I | |
invite [Irc_message] | |
iter [Irc_transport.IO] | |
J | |
join [Irc_message] | |
join0 [Irc_message] | |
K | |
kick [Irc_message] | |
L | |
list [Irc_message] | |
listen [Irc_client.CLIENT] | listen connection callback listens for incoming messages on
connection .
M | |
mode [Irc_message] | |
N | |
names [Irc_message] | |
nick [Irc_message] | |
notice [Irc_message] | |
O | |
open_socket [Irc_transport.IO] | |
oper [Irc_message] | |
other [Irc_message] | |
output [Irc_message] | |
P | |
parse [Irc_message] |
Attempt to parse an IRC message.
parse_exn [Irc_message] | parse_exn s returns the parsed message
part [Irc_message] | |
pass [Irc_message] | |
pick [Irc_transport.IO] |
pick l returns the first thread of l that terminates (and might
cancel the others)
ping [Irc_message] | |
pong [Irc_message] | |
privmsg [Irc_message] | |
Q | |
quit [Irc_message] | |
R | |
read [Irc_transport.IO] | |
read_with_timeout [Irc_transport.IO] | read_with_timeout ~timeout fd buf off len returns Some n if it
could read n bytes into buf (slice off,...,off+len-1 ),
or None if nothing was read before timeout seconds.
reconnect_loop [Irc_client.CLIENT] |
A combination of
Irc_client.CLIENT.connect and Irc_client.CLIENT.listen that, every time
the connection is terminated, tries to start a new one
after after seconds.
return [Irc_transport.IO] | |
S | |
send [Irc_client.CLIENT] |
Send the given message
send_join [Irc_client.CLIENT] |
Send the JOIN command.
send_nick [Irc_client.CLIENT] |
Send the NICK command.
send_notice [Irc_client.CLIENT] |
Send the NOTICE command.
send_pass [Irc_client.CLIENT] |
Send the PASS command.
send_pong [Irc_client.CLIENT] |
Send the PONG command.
send_privmsg [Irc_client.CLIENT] |
Send the PRIVMSG command.
send_quit [Irc_client.CLIENT] |
Send the QUIT command.
send_user [Irc_client.CLIENT] |
Send the USER command.
set_log [Irc_client.CLIENT] |
Set logging function
sleep [Irc_transport.IO] | |
split [Irc_helpers] |
Split a string
str at each occurrence of the character c .
split1_exn [Irc_helpers] |
Split a string
str at the first occurrence of the character c .
T | |
to_string [Irc_message] |
Format the message into a string that can be sent on IRC
topic [Irc_message] | |
U | |
user [Irc_message] | |
W | |
write [Irc_transport.IO] | |
write_buf [Irc_message] |